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Study Materials

Our curriculum is made of books we personally authored to cater for the needs of your children, starting from learning how to read with Tajweed and memorising the Qur’aan to our comprehensive Islamic studies program.

we purposefully wrote and published our own foundation books teaching how to read the letters with the rules of tajweed. We also integrated into it Islamic lessons related to the names of Allaah, important Islamic manners and ettiquettes and du'aas.

Study Materials

Our Books

We have create our own books that are now available for purchase

Watch our video about our unique curriculum

Study with keen on deen

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This is where the building foundation series comes in. We felt there is a need for a system that eases the student into more difficult part of science, rather than throwing them in the deep end with very little knowledge of letter.

Our curriculum integrates tajweed, Islamic studies and education into one single package. Our curriculum for the entire year has be carefully put together and all materials are included.

On top of this we have included basic islamic studies lesson on Allah's names, Islamic manner, and a selection of du'aas to benefit them not only to read Quran but also in their other daily affair. you will also be able to further your studies and test yourself in the comfort of your own home by accessing our online lesson




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