Puberty For Girls
Sign up to our puberty course for girls. This course is aimed pre pubescent and post pubescent girls. It will cover changes their minds will go though, their emotions, physical and religious changes. This course contains over 4 hours of videos, pictures, diagrams, aayaat of the Qur’aan and Hadeeths from the messenger of Allaah.
The Age Our Test Begins
Puberty is an important stage in everyone’s life. It’s when our minds begin to mature, when our bodies begin to go through physical changes and when our actions begin to be recorded. We are in a society where dealing with those changes can become a challenge for both parents and our maturing kids.
After delivering a workshop on this topic to over 100 children on multiple occasions and to many groups we decided to make an online version for those who are unable to attend our workshop but would love for their children to still benefit from the topic. We have prepared for you this extensive content which includes over 4 hours of videos, quizzes, diagrams and more in order to engage with your child and give them something to work towards.
Important Note
As a parent, you may wish to view the course content first before showing it to your child to see whether it is appropriate for their age. Every parent has their own standards and limitations of what they want their children to see and know. About 95% of this content deals with standard topics related to Islam, the mind, hormones and so on, but we have attempted to tackle some of the many social challenges we have to deal with in this modern age. We also understood that some parents would view the content first so we made sure there was enough content that was also applicable to parents. So please be aware of this.Sign up to this amazing workshop to educate our budding youth about how to navigate this journey their body is embarking upon, how to attain the ultimate treasure of worshipping Allaah upon clarity and determination, and how to make the right choices in life in maintaining that balance between their future and their religion.
Our Core Topics
Signs Of Puberty
We will touch upon the physical signs that indicate that a person has started puberty and is now religiously accountable for their actions. We will discuss what to look for, why it’s important and how does that impact upon their actions and responsibilities.
Responsibilities & Accountabilities
Within this course we will discuss the responsibilities we all have towards our parents, siblings, families, neighbours, authority and more.
Hygiene & Fitrah
At this point in the course, we will teach practical ways in which Muslims can and must keep clean. This will include how to properly use the bathroom and the serious nature of keeping clean and why we have to do it as Muslims. Special chapters have been prepared for how young girls needs to maintain good hygiene.
Physical Changes
A very important part of our workshop will cover biological aspects of why and how our bodies change. We will educate your child on what to expect giving expert advice and direction.
How To Keep Ones Heart & Mind Clean
We will also be covering about the concept of ‘keeping ones mind clean’, how certain elements of our society can mentally harm us and pollute our minds and touch upon certain topics that has become very common in our society, such as body image, television and social media, drugs and substance abuse, and various other things that can harm our vulnerable children.
We will cover the types of addictions from habitual to more serious types such as chemical. Addictions not only affect you physically, but mentally and socially on a high level. Addictions can lead to self-destruction and from an islamic point of view, it can lead to indulging in that which is impermissible. We have given special care in this course to touch upon the reasons they occur and how to avoid and manage addictions and addictive activities.
Mu’aawiyah Tucker
Graduate: Faculty of Sharee’ah, Islamic University Of Madeenah
Founder and main teacher at ‘Arabic Courses Institute, Ustaath Mu’aawiyah will be covering topics pertaining to signs of puberty and how to keep the mind clean.
Abdul-Waahid Stephenson
Graduate: Faculty of Sharee’ah, Islamic University Of Madeenah
Founder of ‘Madinah college London’ and former Imaam of Croydon ICT Masjid, Ustaath Abdul Waahid will be covering topics pertaining to cleanliness and new responsibilities.
Dr Ahmed Lawal
Graduate: Imperial University, London. Practicing Doctor
Active GP in Essex area, Dr Lawal will be covering the biological aspects of puberty, medical topics related to the body and hosting a open question and answer session.
Dr Tahera Ruba
Graduate: Imperial University, London. Practicing Doctor
Active GP, Dr Ruba will be covering the biological aspects of puberty, medical topics related to the body and hosting a open question and answer session.
Uzma Nas –
Mu’aawiyah Tucker –
Thank you for the feedback. We’ll hopefully make it batter over time.